He once fed her
his happiness so pure,
that it is the only thing
since then;
that truly dissolves in her blood…!!!

They try to poison her with sadness…
She takes a bite;Chews, and spits it back.
Refusing to swallow sorrows;
even when they are the only thing
the world keeps trying
to shove down her throat…


November 27, 2013

I learnt a very amazing thing today… I realised the power of simple words and their effect on the people around us…!!!
There are days when one doesn’t feel so good about themselves… At times you know you are not very loveable and still want to be loved…!!! Today was one such day… I was wearing a hoodie that read “MONSTERS NEED HUGS TOO” on its right arm… Not being in the highest of my spirits i sat for a long time alone and planned to spend the whole day that same way… But somehow, every time someone read the words printed on my sleeve they smiled, awwwed (ladies ofcourse) and automatically hugged me… It felt so nice to be showered with love for no particular reason, being treated as special, like people make you feel on your birthdays, that after some time i started asking for hugs myself… I just made them read that ‘monsters need hugs too’ and they started giving me hugs every time they met me, not realising that they (except for a few) were actually terming me as a monster and yet, were willing to hug one… It made me think that maybe the main reason we don’t get love is just because we don’t ask for it… We give more than we dare to ask for, because we think we don’t deserve it… But maybe, we are not the ones to decide that… Let people decide it for themselves… You just be who you are, and sooner or later, you shall find the ones who would love you for that… You’d be amazed at how much love people are carrying around in them, waiting to shower it on someone who needs it… Even if you’re a monster… Or maybe, specially if you’re a monster…               

~ Hide And Seek ~

Summer evenings of 99.
of a mutual childhood.
Hiding in the same place;
day, after, day…

Long minutes,
spent breathing in the dark
of a new,
unpainted cabinet.
So sure that you were
Somewhere out there.
Counting off numbers,
until you find me…

Of all the things
that take me back to you today.
Nothing haunts me;
like the musky scent
of sweet,
freshly cut wood…